DIY Cinco de Mayo Party Decor

Every holiday I have this elaborate plan to decorate my house and throw the most epic themed party for my children. My mind immediately starts thinking of ways to shock my kiddos. Crazy decor, balloons, Pinterest worthy views, complimentary food, you get the picture. Truth is, this mama has barely any time to grab groceries for the week. With Cinco de Mayo quickly approaching, I scoured the house for anything that can be used to decorate our table. I have to say, I am quite impressed with what I came up with.

I grabbed a hay skirt from an old Halloween costume and used it to hang on our light fixture. I then came up with two straightforward crafts which made our Cinco de Mayo set up out of this world. Below you will find out how we created our colourful Cinco de Mayo centrepiece and some adorable cactuses.

Cinco De Mayo Colourful CENTREPIECE

First up is this colourful table centrepiece and platter. All you need is coloured popsicle sticks and a glue gun! Simply lay the sticks flat in a row while grouping the colours together. Then glue 2-3 sticks the opposite way. Make sure there is one stick is on each end for balance. Once dry, lay the groupings next to one another to form a long tray.This is perfect for centrepieces or as a platter for your food.

If you have older children have them get involved with the craft! If your kids are younger, perhaps have them help line up the popsicle sticks and save the glue gun use for mama.

Once your centrepiece is complete, lay out food, dips, plants, whatever you wish!! This pop of colour truly brings out the Mexican festivities for the party.

Cinco De Mayo cactus Balloons

Cactus balloons are such a fun addition. They make great table decor and after dinner the kids can play with these tossing them around the room. Seriously, I think my son carried his little cactus around all evening. He even wanted to take his new friend into bed with him! Sorry kid, I do not want to wake up in the middle of the night to a loud pop and toddler cry.

I found these fun shaped balloons at our local drug store, however any balloons would work. Blow up the balloons and use green painters tape to secure them together. Then with a soft black sharpie, draw little checks all over the balloons. We also taped some cotton balls on the top, however you can achieve the same look without these.

Voila, your table went from boring to decorated and you didn’t even need to leave your house. I encourage you to walk around your house with an open mind and see what you can come up with.

Special shout out goes to Toro Taqueria here in Ottawa for this mouth watering authentic feast. Toro Taqueria is a family owned business in Ottawa, serving up authentic Mexican style street tacos. With premium meats, delicious sauces, Latin inspired beverages, and the BEST guacamole made from scratch daily. If you are local to Ottawa this is a must.

I hope you enjoyed making this DIY Cinco de Mayo Decor. If you try these or your own creations, TAG me on Instagram, I would love to see what you came up with.